Career counselling: questions and answers

By Syed Azharhusnain Abidi
October 22, 2018

Q: I am very confused about my present situation vis-à-vis my career. My main goal of life is doing MBBS and I consider myself perfect for MBBS study but the main issue is that I secured 995/1100 in matriculation, 997/1100 in FSc and in two attempts of MDCAT by UHS 1 (947/1100) and this year (907/1100). But still I am confident that I can do much better as I am very close to required merit. Now the present issue is that I have wasted my two years for MDCAT. So my question from you is that whether I should take another chance or do something else. If something else than which field is better for me either related to medical or non-medical? (Hamza, Lahore)


A: I think you have given enough time and made the required attempts and efforts to get into a medical school. However, there is no need to waste any further time as you might get the same output or the same percentage in next attempt as well. While MBBS was your main goal, there are several other areas that are closely connected to health sciences and supplement the work of a medical practitioner. These include Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry or Biotechnology. The research in Medical Science is ongoing, huge research funds area available everywhere in the world and scientists are struggling to find cure to several fatal diseases and viruses such as Cancer, HIV, and Zika etc. I would therefore suggest that you do a bit more of research and find a degree that leads into the above areas and make your career in this very emerging domain.

Q: Sir, I am doing Pharmacy from QAU Islamabad. I want to pursue and go for PhD I want to know just after graduation, what countries and universities will accept GRE and one take admission in MPhil leading to PhD programme. I do not want to go separately into MPhil then PhD (Ali Iqbal, Islamabad).

A: Once you complete your Bachelors in Pharmacy and you decide to go abroad, there will be a few options in front of you. If you wish to take up research in the drug industry, then you may opt for a particular PhD that will involve doing an MPhil followed by PhD. If you wish to enter the pharmaceutical industry on completion of your bachelors you may again spend 3 years in the industry and then top up your undergraduate with either a technical degree or a management degree to further re strengthen your career prospects.

Q: I have studied Energy Policy course. In which we discussed different energy policies of different governments of Pakistan. I have decided to do PhD in Energy Policy. Please guide me. Thanks. (Aamir Kareem, Lahore).

A: When you are considering doing your PhD which means writing up a research proposal or a synopsis, you must find an appropriate university and a supervisor to discuss your future plans. I cannot advise you a particular area unless I have met you and discussed with you what really you have in your mind in terms of your PhD. However I can see that Government of Pakistan does need experts in the area of energy whether its making policy, governance or sustainability issues etc. I hope you will carefully examine all your opportunities and career prospects before applying for your PhD.

Q: Sir, I got admission in BUITEMS Quetta in Computer Engineering. I have done FSc pre-engineering but I have interest in the field and got admission in Architecture and Planning in Mehran UET Jamshoro. This field is also interesting for me. Both are HEC recognized government universities. Sir, I am confused about the selection of university. Kindly guide me so that I am clear about my goals. Regards, (Wasim Aasi, Quetta)

A: The two options that you have mentioned are 180 degrees apart. I’m not sure how to advise you as architecture involves lot of skills in drawing and if you are familiar and have the skills required in successfully completing architecture or not. Computer Science/ Engineering on the other hand is again an emerging area and lot of sub specialisms are available for your masters and leading to different career opportunity. The choice is yours.

(Syed Azhar Husnain Abidi is a renowned educationist in Pakistan, with more than 20 years of experience as provider of education counselling services. He has represented Pakistan in over 100 national and international seminars, conferences and fora. He is a recipient of the most coveted civil award Tamgha-e-Imtiaz).
