People are talking about —

October 16, 2018

— the news item that traffic rule violators will be fined heavily and how it is a great idea which should have been adopted earlier. People say the small amount charged for traffic violations did not deter those who ignored the rules, especially those who can well afford them. What is needed now are reforms that ensure traffic police will not succumb to temptation and take bribes especially in far-flung areas and on roads where no witnesses are present.


— the knocking down of illegally constructed buildings all over the country and how mind boggling it is that the authorities had turned a blind eye to what was going on just because mostly powerful political entities were involved. People say along with those whose illegal properties have been brought down, those responsible for allowing construction to take place should also be penalized as they probably were involved in under the table deals and signed permission papers without hesitation.

— the number of fake accounts that have been unearthed after the government began probing money laundering and how it was less privileged persons whose accounts were chosen for transactions, leaving them bewildered when they discovered what was going on. People say these few accounts are probably the tip of the iceberg and a thorough investigation will certainly reveal more accounts that could not have been manipulated in this manner without the help of bank personnel.

— the recurring deaths of children in Thar because of malnutrition and how, despite tall claims in ads screened on television by a certain political party, Thar citizens are suffering from a lack of basic amenities, while drought like conditions double their problems. People say the present government is strapped for cash so maybe it will take time for it to alleviate their misery and the suggestion by the CJP that a leading political family should spend some of its plentiful money on Thar is a capital idea!

— the first female chief justice of any court in the history of Pakistan and that too in Baluchistan and how it is a heartening act for other female jurists who generally have a tough time in this male dominated field. It is a well-known fact that equal opportunities don’t exist for female lawyers at their workplaces and appearing in the male-centric courts is a daunting experience but hopefully the situation will improve and more women will be appointed in positions they deserve.

— the news item in which experts warn that the beautiful, graceful snow leopard found in the country’s northern areas is facing extinction and how the wildlife authority needs to do something about it before it’s too late. People say there should be stricter laws about hunting the leopard; locals should be discouraged from killing a leopard when it attacks their flocks and find means to entrap it and wardens should be paid well so that they perform their duties diligently.

— the government’s resolve to boost tourism in the country and how it is a good idea but requires a revamp of the infrastructure as well as available facilities, which need to be upgraded. People say both local and foreign tourists need accommodation; hostels and well equipped camping sites so that their trip is hassle free and enjoyable, while entry into the country, as well as some sites where local tourists travel should be facilitated with reasonable rules and regulations. — I.H.
