Not for sale

September 16, 2018

The hurried conversion and/or sale of government buildings and land is being likened by many to the rushed nationalisation of industries, banks and educational institutions that was carried out some decades back. For the PTI government, it would be safer to wait for a few months to calculate the expenditure that is likely to be accrued on the conversion of each building. All government buildings were constructed to serve a particular purpose. For example, rest houses were built to accommodate district government officials who visit the area to listen to and solve problems of people.


If these rest houses are converted into an education institution, what arrangements will be made to provide accommodation to government officials? It wouldn’t be wrong to request the PTI leadership to abstain from the hurried disposal of government buildings and land. It should concentrate on much more important national issues that are affecting the daily life of people and the economy of the country.

M Akram Niazi

