Wiggins wants ‘sinister’ Jiffy bag details made public

July 22, 2018

LONDON: Bradley Wiggins has said he’s discovered “very sinister” details relating to the leak of his Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUEs) and the so-called ‘Jiffy bag’ case which he now wants made public.


Two years ago, the ‘Fancy Bears’ hacking group, believed to be a Russian-based organisation, released information showing that now retired British cycling great Wiggins was allowed to use triamcinolone, an otherwise banned drug, ahead of his major races in 2011, 2012 and 2013, including the 2012 Tour de France which he won.

TUEs allow athletes to use otherwise banned drugs to treat recognised medical conditions.

Wiggins, speaking during coverage of this year’s ongoing Tour de France on British broadcaster ITV4 on Saturday, said: “There are things that have come to light with this whole thing that we’ve found out since that are quite scary actually and it’s very sinister.

“We’re still not at the bottom of it, we’re finding new stuff out daily to do with the package that never was and all this stuff and it’s quite frightening actually.”
