Education complaints

According to the Balochistan ombudsman’s report of 2014, the third highest numbers of complaints were against the education department. It is strange that while the Balochistan CM is spending millions of rupees of taxpayers’ money on personal projection in the form of publicity for the slogan: ‘Save Nation, Save Education’,

By our correspondents
April 09, 2015
According to the Balochistan ombudsman’s report of 2014, the third highest numbers of complaints were against the education department. It is strange that while the Balochistan CM is spending millions of rupees of taxpayers’ money on personal projection in the form of publicity for the slogan: ‘Save Nation, Save Education’, urging people to send their children to school, he has not paid any attention to the education department.
The prevailing conditions of education in the province are deplorable, particularly at the primary and intermediate level. The public and district owned and managed schools hardly have committed, competent and dedicated teachers. And the picture is even worse in the rural areas of Balochistan. The majority of the teachers of those areas get their salaries while sitting comfortably in Quetta. The government has failed to change the deplorable status of primary education in the province and ensure that every child has the opportunity to acquire quality education.
Sharif Baloch

