The wind of change

June 27, 2018

That the party who entered the country’s political sphere with the slogan of ‘change’ has opened its doors for electables has shocked even the most loyal party supporters. This has further endorsed the fact that the prevailing political system protects the interests of only the elite. It is shocking to note that the PTI is also depended on electables to win the upcoming elections. Has the party forgotten that most of these electables were in the previous government of the PML-N which was called the most corrupt government by the same party?


Also, these politicians were the members of the same parliament which was called the centre of corruption and injustice in the country by the PTI. It seems that when it comes to the lust for power, all slogans that once dominated political gatherings can be easily discarded.

Qazi Jamshed Alam Siddiqui

