A college of our own

June 23, 2018

A large population that resides in Dasht, an area in the Kech district, is in dire need of colleges. Balnigwar, the largest town in Dasht, has only one high school for boys and none for girls. The people who reside in the area are poor as their only source of income is their lands, which only yield crops when there is sufficient rainfall. Most of the students are compelled to quit their studies after matriculation as financial problems prevent them from pursuing further education. Those who have enough money go to colleges in other cities, such as Gwadar and Turbat. If colleges had been set up in Dasht, students would not have had to face so many challenges to acquire education, which is their basic right.


The concerned authorities in Balochistan should establish colleges in Dasht so that students from every corner of the region can get an education and serve our country.

Mahgul Dashti

