Safe milk

February 11, 2018

The UHT treatment is being used increasingly in Pakistan to provide safe and pure milk to the people. The other alternative that people have is loose milk which is notoriously famous for being contaminated. If one is given a choice between the packaged milk and loose milk, the former will be the only choice. This is because one isn’t sure about the hygienic conditions of dairy farms.


Additionally, it is not known which types of containers are used by milkmen and what sanitary methods are adopted during the milking, transportation and storage process. On the other hand, the UHT treated milk has a longer shelf life and is readily available in the market. This milk doesn’t need to be refrigerated until the package has been opened. The UHT treated milk is free from harmful bacteria and full of nutritional value.

Air-Cdre (r) Azfar A Khan ( Karachi )
