Students join hand for poverty alleviation

January 18, 2018

Islamabad: A non-profit organisation ‘Dava’ was established by the two students of Roots International Schools (RIS), Shamir Butt and Ali Melad, says a press release.


Ali Melad is currently heading the organisation, consists of 200 members. The idea of organisation formation emerged after experiencing coordination and management while hosting RYMUN at RIS.

The president of DAVA, Ali Melad said that our country is poverty ridden and every Pakistani should play his part in poverty alleviation. He believed if we get united as a nation we can eradicate poverty from the country. Dava hence, with the students from America, raises issues of poverty on social media and generated funds to help the underprivileged. Mr. Shamir said that illiteracy is the major reason for poverty in the country, so Dava has planned to equip 10 schools with computers and home economics labs this year. In this era of technology, it is of utmost importance for students to learn the necessary computer skills.

Under the umbrella of Children Community Initiative Society, Roots Social Welfare and Community Engagement Club instills the importance of giving back to community amongst the students.

The CEO of RIS, Walid Mushtaq, said that it is very important to inculcate the habit of social work amongst the students. He further said that with more than 60% of population of the country below the poverty line, it is highly important to mobilise our youth to work for poverty eradication. He strongly commended the efforts of RIS students who formed Dava and said that together with the support of youth, we can alleviate poverty.
