Astronomy lovers can mark their calendar for adventurous skies

By Web Desk
January 12, 2018


Scientists have predicted that five events in the sky will appear this year and which the astrology lovers should look out for.

January 31st: Blue Moon Eclipse

The rare happening is the result of 2 concurrent lunar phenomena. It’s the second full moon of the month (Blue Moon) and the moon will pass within the shadow of the earth cast by the sun eclipse.

The last time such an incidence took place was 150 years back.

Late Feb to Early March: Planetary alignment

Saturn, Mars, Jupiter will line up in the southeastern sky throughout the last week of Feb and first week of March.

On 8 March, the moon will sneak itself between mars and Jupiter. The best time to have a good view of this celestial event will be early morning just before the break of dawn.

31st July: Mars at opposition

Mars will look like a bright orange star when seen with a naked eye, if you have a telescope then the red giant’s white polar caps and volcanic plains

August 12 to 13: Peak of Perseid Meteor shower

The Perseid Meteor Shower usually rains between 160 to 200 meteors every hour. This year the shower will occur at the same time as a moonless sky so it should be extra visible.

August 17: Venus at elongation

Venus will be the 3rd brightest object in the sky. The planet of love will be most visible in the early evening.
