Take a look at this foldable, Transformers-like car right now!

The company aims to sell 300 cars and has taken 30 orders already.

By Web Desk
December 30, 2017


Creators recently unveiled the incredible Earth-1 car that can shift shapes and be squeezed into small spaces making it far more convenient to fit in parking spaces than before.

As if inspired by the Transformers, Earth-1 can be controlled with just a joystick and runs on electricity!

Earth-1 was designed by Kunlo Okawara of Four Link Systems. Manufacturers say that the car is based on the popular anime ‘Gundam’, also created by Kunlo.

The company aims to sell 300 cars and has taken 30 orders already.

The shape-shifting unique vehicle is available to people at a price of $70,000.
