Trump’s Jerusalem move: Lawyers stay away from courts in KP

By Bureau report
December 13, 2017

PESHAWAR: The legal fraternity in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on Tuesday observed a complete boycott of courts across the province to condemn the United States government for recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.


The Peshawar High Court Bar Association and Peshawar Bar Association through separate resolutions demanded the US to withdraw its decision. The lawyers also asked the UN to play its role and put pressure on the US government to withdraw its decision to save Middle East from further crisis.

As per the press release of Peshawar Bar Association, the lawyers in its general body protest meeting called US President Donald Trump’s as “Devil Trump”.

The lawyers’ bodies through resolutions also asked the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to call an emergency meeting on this issue.

The lawyers asked the OIC to announce armed struggle against the US and Israel if they didn’t withdraw the decision. They also asked the Muslim countries to announce boycott of US and Israeli products.

They requested world nations to follow France and deny recognising Al-Quds as Israel’s capital.

Earlier, Peshawar Bar Association President Fazle Wahid, General Secretary Ashfaq Ahmad Khalil, Vice-President Waqar Khan addressed the meeting.

The lawyers also held a protest rally carrying placards inscribed with slogans against the US.

On the other hand, the PHC and district courts adjourned the cases as the litigants returned without progress in their cases.
