Promote sports

November 23, 2017
Sports play a crucial role in making nations vibrant and energetic. The US, China, the UK, and other developed countries are advancing rapidly, and one of the reasons behind this progress is their attention to sports. When it comes to sports, Pakistan, unfortunately, is lagging far behind as compared with other countries. It has been 24 years that Pakistan could not win even a medal in the Olympics. Recently, I got shocked to read the statement of boxing champion Muhammad Waseem who said that lack of financial resources have compelled him to consider surrendering his Pakistani nationality and opting for American or Korean. He has fought eight professional fights and has won all of them.
The situation of other sportsman, including Ahmed Mujtaba, is the same. They are also waiting for government and private sponsors to help them take part in competitions arranged at an international level. The state of every sport, except cricket, is bothersome in Pakistan. It is time to invest in other sports otherwise Pakistan will lose its exceptional players. These players have made their names on their own at both the national and international levels. It is obligatory on us to promote them so that they could bring more fame to Pakistan.
Junaid Ali Malik

