JI announces long march for KP-Fata merger

By Bureau report
November 18, 2017
PESHAWAR: Jamaat-e-Islami (JI) announced a long march from Khyber to Islamabad on December 10 to press the federal government to merge forthwith Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Talking to newsmen here on Friday, JI provincial chief Mushtaq Ahmad Khan said that a sit-in would also be held outside the Prime Minister’s House after the long march. The JI provincial chief lashed out at the federal government, saying that they cannot deceive people of the tribal areas anymore.
The JI provincial head said that all other political groups of the country were being invited to join the long march towards Islamabad for the rights of tribesmen. “Fata is like a prison without walls and the federal government is responsible for it. The Senate and National Assembly have already approved the merger of Fata with KP but the federal government is yet to take practical measures in this regard,” said Mushtaq Ahmad.
He alleged that unprecedented corruption was being done by the Fata administration and there was no one to ask them about the wrongdoings.
The JI leader said those opposing the merger of Fata with KP for their own interests were the enemies of the tribal people. The JI leader demanded immediate merger of Fata with KP and representation to the areas in KP assembly in the upcoming general elections.

