Ranbir Kapoor defends Mahira after social media criticism

By Web Desk
September 24, 2017

Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor has spoken up over his pictures with Pakistani star Mahira Khan in New York that created a storm on social media.

According to Indian media, Ranbir Kapoor said that ‘he respects Mahira Khan and critics are not even realizing that she is a woman’.


In a strongly worded defence Ranbir said: "I've gotten to know Mahira in a personal capacity over the last few months. She is somebody who I admire and respect, for her achievements and even more for the person she is. It is very unfair the way she is being judged and spoken about. What is also sad is the inequality in judgment just because she is a woman. I request you to stop the negativity and move on with your beautiful god gifted lives”.

Mahira Khan and Ranbir's friendship started with Dubai's Global Teacher Prize Gala and videos of them having a chat backstage created rumours in the entertainment industry.

But this time Ranbir and Mahira have been spotted smoking together, which gave credence to the earlier reports.

Several Pakistani and Indian stars have spoken for the couple asking critics to stop targeting Mahira just because she is a woman.
