The ethics of a protest

By our correspondents
October 26, 2016

Protests against government policies are held worldwide. But the democratic right of one cannot prevail over the rights of others. A demonstration in Berlin, by Pakistanis in support of Kashmir was one such example. The state was informed several weeks in advance about the purpose of the demonstration. A stretch of a road was assigned for the protest for one hour. The police efficiently diverted traffic and surrounded demonstrators who in turn held placards, shouted slogans and gave statements to the media. Afterwards, everyone went back peacefully. No one used force nor protester lingered unlawfully and paralysed life.


Imran Khan, despite his valid demands and exemplary perseverance, needs to learn a thing or two. Protest may be a legitimate right but the disruption of life of others indefinitely, threatening policemen of dire consequences if they intervene, badmouthing people and trying to closedown government machinery is certainly not. Setting a bad precedent of ridiculing government officers and treating policemen with contempt will haunt him if he is in power someday. He would stand tall amongst his contemporaries if he acted like a level-headed politician instead of proving himself no better than the others.

Nighat Kamal Aziz

