Imran and the London mayor

By our correspondents
June 13, 2016


According to a press report, London Mayor Sadiq Khan has stated that only Imran Khan can explain why he supported Sadiq Khan’s opponent Zac Goldsmith in the London mayoral elections. Is not it obvious why Imran supported Zac? First, Zac is his ex brother-in-law, and second because Zac is an elitist – like Imran. He is a conservative Oxbridge/Eton/Harrow type aristocrat. Imran himself went to Aitchison and then Oxford. He considers himself from the same type of background as Zac Goldsmith.

Sadiq Khan, on the other hand, is a middle-class Labour Party man. He is the son of a bus driver and lived in council housing and went to ordinary school and an average British university. By sheer dint of hard work and pure merit, he rose to be a Labour minister and now the mayor of London. Sadiq Khan is a remarkable man and takes pride in his humble beginning and background. This is not the stuff Imran Khan is made of. Furthermore, as Imran himself has stated, he advised Zac to contest the election. How could he not support him?

Zaheer Ahmed

