Action planned against substandard CNG cylinders

By Bureau report
February 29, 2024
In this imageCNG cylinder kit can be seen image released on August 29, 2022. — Facebook/CNG Kit & Cylinders

PESHAWAR: The provincial government has taken notice of increasing incidents of substandard CNG cylinders bursting in public transport vehicles and decided to take stern action against substandard cylinders.


An official handout said on Wednesday that the KP Home Department had issued orders to the officers of district administration, transport administration and other related departments to launch a crackdown against substandard CNG cylinders in vehicles. The KP Energy and Power Department has also warned through messages to such vehicles’ owners, who are using nonstandard CNG cylinders in public transport, should immediately remove substandard cylinders and use standard cylinders recommended by the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) and follow the relevant rules, otherwise, violators will be fined as per law.
