ICT police increase traffic violation fines

By Shakeel Anjum
September 27, 2023

Islamabad:The Ministry of Interior has enhanced charges of fine payments on traffic violations in Islamabad increase including the cyclists for violation traffic rules, the police spokesman said.


The penalty for the violation of traffic would be Rs500 to Rs8,000 according to the gravity of the violation. “The cyclists would be bound to follow the traffic rules, as he could be penalised with Rs500 for violating traffic signals,” the spokesman said.

The Federal Ministry of Interior increased the penalties for traffic violations in the capital city. The official notification has been issued in this regard. This move aims to strengthen the enforcement of traffic laws and promote safer roads for all citizens, a public relations officer said. He said that, according to the newly issued notification by the Ministry of Interior, the minimum fine for traffic violations will be set at Rs500. This step is part of a broader effort to ensure strict compliance with traffic regulations, which play a vital role in preventing accidents.

Under the updated notification, fines for various violations have been specified, exceeding the speed limit motorcyclists will be charged Rs1,000, motor car Rs1,500, PSVs Rs2,000, HTVs Rs2,500.

Rs 2,000 will be charged for signal violations, one way violation will be Rs1,000 for motorcycles, Rs2,000 for cars, Rs8,000 for PSVs. For illegal parking Rs1,000, use of tinted glasses Rs1,500, reckless driving Rs2,000. Underage driving Rs2,500, without license driving for motorcycles Rs1,000, cars Rs2,000, HTVs Rs8,000 will be charged. For unregistered motorcycles and rickshaws Rs1,000, illegal parking of goods vehicles Rs2,000, wrong-way driving Rs1,000, using a mobile phone while driving Rs1,000 for motorcycles, 2,000 for cars, 8000 for HTVs will be charged.

Unlawful overtaking Rs1,000 for motorcycles Rs 2,000 for cars Rs8,000 for HTVs, overloading 1,000 for motorcycles, Rs2,000 for cars, Rs8,000 for PSVs, Rs1,000 for one-way violations. Rs5,000 for wrong parking will be charged according to the new notification. The Islamabad Capital Police is committed to raising awareness among citizens about the importance of adhering to traffic laws. Strict enforcement of these laws is crucial for safeguarding lives and property. In addition to increased fines, the Islamabad Capital Police will be broadcasting special radio programs on FM Radio 92.4 to educate the public about traffic regulations. Citizens are urged to respect traffic laws and contribute to making Islamabad a safer and more civilised city.
