Over 8.5 million worldwide have Parkinson’s disease

April 02, 2023

ISLAMABAD: More than 8.5 million people Trusted Source worldwide have Parkinson’s disease, a condition affecting the nervous system that causes movement issues such as tremors stiffened limbs and cognitive problems Trusted Source.


Doctors still do not understand why Parkinson’s occurs. However the disease has been linked to low levels of dopamine and nor epinephrine Trusted Source in the body. Additionally people with certain risk factors such as age Trusted Source and past traumatic brain injury are more likely to develop the condition.

Additionally researchers believe exposure to certain toxins such as pesticides Trusted Source and air pollution Trusted Source.

Now researchers from the University of Rochester are adding additional evidence by finding a link between Parkinson s disease and a commonly used chemical called trichloroethylene (TCE).

The study appears in the Journal of Parkinson s Disease.

TCE is a colorless liquid chemical that does not occur in nature. It is known to have a chloroform like odor.

This chemical may be found in a variety of products and industries including commercial dry cleaning metal degreasing cleaning wipes stain removers for clothing and carpeting lubricants spray adhesives.

People can become exposed to TCE by using a product containing TCE or working in a factory where the chemical is present.

Additionally TCE can leach into the water air and soil around where it is used or disposed of contaminating what we breathe eat and drink.

Symptoms of exposure to high amounts of TCE include dizziness, headaches, confusion, nausea, facial numbness. Previous studies link prolonged exposure to TCE to increased risk for kidney cancer Trusted Source liver cancer and non Hodgkin lymphoma Trusted Source.
