Wholesale changes

February 09, 2023

Pakistan has a long history of economic instability. Our haphazard and erratic political system has been a major factor in our economic crises. The country has experienced a number of military coups, political unrest and wars, all of which have had a negative impact on the economy. Poor governance has also been another key factor. The government has failed to implement effective economic policies.


As a result, Pakistan’s economy has been in a state of decline for as long as most of us can remember. Rising inflation, a weak currency, unemployment and a large budget deficit are among the most pressing concerns. The government has implemented a number of measures to address the crisis, including a devaluation of the currency and an increase in indirect taxes. But, despite all these efforts, the economy remains weak and the outlook for the near future is uncertain. To tackle all these crises, we need a top-to-bottom reform of our economic system.

Shaheryar Ali

