The author is a linguistic historian.
An important milestone in understanding the role education is playing in creation of the new India
Sartaj Aziz will be remembered for his humanity, courtesy and affability
New HEC rules for PhD students need re-evaluation
In his new book, Ilyas Chattha focuses on cross-border flows — conventionally called smuggling
Sheela Reddy’s new book explores Jinnah, the man behind the politics
In terms of major decisions, Pakistan has never acted like a client state.
A scholarly study of the game in relation to identity and international relations
Fouzia Saeed’s latest book focuses on prominent women in Pakistan and how they contributed to the collective struggle of women for their rights
Pakistan is a multilingual country. This reality is not entirely acknowledged in its education policies
S Akbar Zaidi explores the various, often contradictory, definitions of Muslim that emerged in colonial India in the 19th Century