Rainbow in the dark

May 8, 2022

Dil-i-Momin first hit the screens in November 2021. It has now come to a bittersweet conclusion

Rainbow in the dark


il-i-Momin, which had kept viewers entertained since 2021, has now come to an end. As one of the more popular dramas on Geo Entertainment it had a steady viewership. It also had the staples of a 7th Sky Entertainment product. Throughout the series, the relationship between Momin (played by Faysal Qureshi) and Ashi (played by Momal Sheikh) was tumultuous and riddled with difficulties usually caused by Maya (played by Madiha Imran). The finale aims to tie up loose ends and give viewers a satisfactory conclusion.

Towards the beginning of the episode, Momin is seen riddled with guilt and perpetual agony as he desperately tries to locate Maya. He blames himself for her disappearance and wants nothing more than to ask for her forgiveness to clear his conscience. Despite his best efforts, he is unable to find her and ends up feeling defeated.

However, not all is lost, because he is going to become a father. The joyous news of his wife Ashi’s pregnancy pulls him out of his despair, and he begins to regain some semblance of normalcy. He finds a new purpose and holds off on looking for Maya, choosing instead to focus on his wife and baby.

Ashi loses the baby due to unforeseen complications. This again plunges Momin into guilt and self-doubt. The loss of his child and his wife’s hardship renews his interest in finding Maya, because he thinks every misfortune that befalls him is a punishment for what he did to her.

While the concept of polygamy has been done to death in Pakistani dramas,Dil-i-Momin went pretty heavy with the tragic aspect of it, resulting in a bittersweet ending. While Momin and Maya were able to find some peace and normalcy, Ashi suffered for no real reason and is unfortunately wronged. The inclusion of spirituality prevented the play from becoming too stale.

The story leaps over three years. Although Momin has failed to find Maya, he had continued trying. Ashi is with child again, and her second pregnancy is just as complicated as the first. She has to undergo a medical procedure that is incredibly risky.

Amidst all this, Momin continues to search for his other wife and eventually finds her in a far-off village. Maya has chosen a life of solitude and spirituality after leaving Momin and Ashi. She has given up all worldly relationships and material attractions but she has been unable to let go of her feelings for Momin. Having finally found her, Momin asks her to come with him so that they can be a family again. She forgives him for his actions against her but refuses to go back with him. That changes when Momin collapses after getting some traumatic news. Maya then chooses to go back home to be with him and Ashi.

The concept of polygamy has been done to death in Pakistani dramas. Dil-i-Momin went pretty heavy with the tragic aspect of it, resulting in a bittersweet ending. While Momin and Maya were able to find some form of peace and normalcy, Ashi suffered for no real reason. The inclusion of spirituality prevents the play from becoming too stale.

The finale has a good pace and a few twists. There is a satisfactory conclusion for most, but not all characters. Even though Dil-i-Momin has a nominally happy ending, the happiness comes after much hardship, loss and obstacles. Worth a watch.

The author is a fashion graduate.

Rainbow in the dark