Town Talk

March 20, 2022

Events in Lahore this week

Town Talk

*Bun Lay Sapnay Apnay — GharPar Kahaniyan, an arts exhibition, opens March 21 at Alhamra Art Gallery,


Time: 5pm.

The event, organised by Alhamra Centre of Art and Culture and Fakir Khana Museum, will showcase art pieces by talented artists, based on the stories of our hardworking beauticians.

*Teesri Dhun, a theatre play, shall be performed on March 27 at Surt Studio 75, Lahore.

The event marks the third successful run of the play. It is an Olomopolo Media production, which is co-produced by Have Only Positive Expectations (HOPE) and Justice Project Pakistan (JPP). It is directed by Claire Pamment and Iram Sana. The cast includes Sunniya Abbasi, Jannat Ali, Naghma Gogi, Lucky Khan, Anaya Rahimi and Neeli Rana.

The play boasts an all-khwaja-sira cast, and offers an intimate glimpse into their everyday lives and struggles. It “unfolds layers of gender, sexual and class violence — in the backdrop of colonial pasts and postcolonial transgender rights — and invites resistance.”

The play is also an attempt to “Uplift the power of khwaja sira music, dance and storytelling.”

Tickets are available on @ticketwalapk and at the Olo Junction.

Town Talk