Unwind with upper-body stretches

October 25, 2020

Want to relax your body after a stressful day, working in front of the computer? Here are 5 upper-body stretches that will help relieve stiffness and tightness.

We often experience tightness and tension in our upper body after a long day at work, especially after spending long hours in front of the computer. If you are still working from home due to the ongoing pandemic, slouching on the couch and hunching over the laptop causes shoulder tenseness. Apart from that, stiffness can be caused by poor posture – whatever the situation may be, upper-body stiffness and tightness is real and definitely very uncomfortable.

However, the good news is that practicing yoga can help stretch the upper body and release this tension. According to yoga experts, yoga can help with tightness because it addresses the body on all levels, leaving us healthier and happier in the process. While the movements relieve the physical tightness in the body, the breathing and slower pace can address stress and anxiety as well. Because yoga is a holistic approach to health, experts advise to pay attention to your breathing as you move into the postures.

After you are done for the day, focus on breathing and stretching to release the tension in your shoulders and neck. Though you can do these stretches at any time, it is best to practice these yoga postures at the end of the day because they help undo all the hunching and rounding in your spine.

Neck rolls

Start off by doing some neck rolls. All you have to do is take your chin to the chest and tilt one ear toward your shoulder. Start to roll your neck in one direction. Take deep breaths, and change directions after three breaths.

Lateral neck stretch

The next step is to keep your head straight and drop your right ear towards your shoulder. Use your hand to gently guide your head down for a stretch on the left side of your neck. You can also tilt your chin slightly up and down to get the stretch in different parts of your neck. Perform five breaths on each side.

Eagle wrap arms

This pose helps in stretching the upper back and shoulders. Start with both arms overhead. Take your elbow toward the centre of your body, keep the right elbow underneath, and the left elbow on top. Take the backs of your hands together, fingertips pointing toward the ceiling. If you can, press your palms together. Take a vinyasa – a mini Sun Salutation beginning in Plank Pose and ending in Downward-Facing Dog. Exhale as you round your spine, elbows toward navel and then inhale. Reach your elbows up, and arch your spine. Take three breaths.

Seated spinal twist

Sit in lotus position (cross-legged sitting) and twist to the right as your right hand goes behind you (maybe to the back of your chair) and left hand goes on the right knee. Take three deep breaths and repeat the same on the other side.

Forward fold with hands interlaced behind back

While standing, fold forward with your knees bent generously. Grab opposite elbows and take a few breaths, allowing the neck and shoulders to relax. Now interlace your hands behind your back and reach your wrists overhead. If your hands can’t reach each other behind your back, you can use a towel to make the connection.

Take three breaths, then release, and switch the interlacing. Allow the weight of your head to open the chest and shoulders. Release the interlaced hands. Keeping your knees bent, roll up to stand.

Seated side bend

The seated side bend is a soothing yoga pose that stretches the neck, shoulders, back and obliques. Sit in a cross-legged position and place your right palm on the floor, near your right hip. As you inhale, raise your left arm out to the side and up above your head beside your left ear. As you exhale, slide your right hand across the floor out to the right, letting your torso, head, and left arm follow as you bend to the right.

Try to create length through the right ribs as you stretch the left side of your body. Take three deep breaths. Repeat on the other side. You can try this pose while sitting on a chair as well.

Unwind with upper-body stretches