Quarantine care: Managing your hair care routine

April 26, 2020

Hair experts, Saeeda and Noor Mandviwalla of Toni&Guy South Pakistan, weigh in on how to take care of your tresses while in self-isolation.

Self-isolation has left most of us struggling with self-maintenance. Thanks to the lockdown of salons, all our beauty treatments - from root touch-ups to manicures to facials and massages - have taken a backseat and will have to be managed accordingly, until the global pandemic subsides. If you’re like everyone else, you’re probably wondering what to do to follow a safe-at-home hair care regime when in self-isolation?

Instep got in touch with Saeeda Mandviwalla, CEO and Creative Artistic Director Toni&Guy and Essensuals Hairdressing (South Pakistan) and her daughter Noor Mandviwalla, Executive Director and Colour Technician Toni&Guy (South Pakistan), who share some expert hair care tips to having salon-fresh locks during the lockdown.

Prolong your hair colour

Colour maintenance has been a huge issue during these lockdown days and here’s what the experts advise. “Firstly, I would advise people to refrain from attempting to colour their hair at home for various reasons, a few being damage to the hair, incorrect application resulting in patchiness, incorrect desired shade…which will only mean that they will come back to the salon for a colour correction,” shared Noor Mandviwalla, adding that this would be a waste of one’s time and money.

She furthered, “There are other methods by which one can maintain their coloured hair at home. The first thing would be to use a shampoo that prolongs the life of one’s colour. Along with that, root touch up products are easily accessible and simple to use to cover up one’s root re-growth till the time that one can get to the salon.”

Alternative protein treatments

Both Saeeda and Noor Mandviwalla suggest that if women can’t get protein treatments at the salon, certain professional products are easily available in supermarkets. If one is unable to get these products, both the experts advise using either coconut or almond oil in one’s hair for up to one hour. As far as hair oiling is concerned, the experts advise oiling the hair and doing a protein treatment once a week while in self isolation. According to them, overdoing the protein could lead to excessively greasy roots.

Say goodbye to split ends

The best way to tackle split ends is to use a good leave-in conditioner, Saeeda advises. A variety of different products are available in supermarkets as well as on online stores.

For dry, brittle hair

For dry, brittle hair, both Saeeda and Noor recommend using their Therapy Rejuvenating Mask followed with the application of Rejuvenating Radiance Oil from mid-lengths to ends. The Rejuvenate Complex combines eight of the most technologically active ingredients for enhancing hair, such as glycolic acid from palm sugars, extract from African baobab trees, Iron rose crystal and white caviar. “This is highly concentrated and it instantly restores, replenishes and rejuvenates the hair,” they added.

Hair fall no more

Hair begins to fall once blood circulation to the follicles in the scalp decreases. Usually, this happens under stress; you may notice increased hair fall if you are going through high stress, for example, at work or at school.

The scalp needs to therefore be stimulated by gentle massage and pressure, so that the blood circulation in that region may increase. Also, look for scalp tonics that include Vitamin C as well as Vitamin B5, which adds volume and thickens individual hair strands. They also advise clients to take a hair vitamins (such as HairVit or Gummy Hair) to restore hair vitality and support healthy hair growth.

Enhancing that shine

Hair loses its shine when it becomes more porous and dry. To restore the hair’s elasticity and shine, you first need the right shampoo and conditioner. Saeeda recommends a duo that cleanses and moisturises. “Finish off your hair routine with a Shine Mist, which is a lightweight formula that gives your hair incredible shine,” she added.

Expert tips

Both Saeeda and Noor Mandviwalla suggest using a shampoo which is free of sulphates, parabens and sodium chloride. Ideally, one should be using an organic shampoo, that may be expensive but will be the better option.

They added that when using a hairdryer or a heated tool, one must always apply a heat-protection spray, which has a protection resin against UV and potential heat damage. The styling tools being used should be coated with Teflon, so that heat is distributed correctly, and the hair is protected from any damage/breakage. Invest in good tools and products and use the right brushes and combs for your hair to avoid breakage and distress.

Quarantine care: Managing your hair care routine