
November 20, 2016

Making an attempt to understand the post-Donald Trump world and how is it changing


The Special Report is indeed an attempt to understand the post-Donald Trump world as also the election of this unlikely candidate to the president’s seat.

The shock of his victory aside, the analysis of what earned him this victory merits serious analysis. In this, the US election is not the only international development that depicts a changing world order. There is a rightward swing in the West, putting the future of liberal democracy at stake. The rise of Le Pen in France and Brexit are only a few cases in point.

We have picked a few visible signs of change to focus on. They are: a new economic order with a greater role for China, the challenges for regionalism and immigration, the spectre of terrorism and the idea of democracy itself.

While the Trump victory is largely being criticised for its xenophobia and ‘militant ethno-nationalism’, it is also true that people of America have rejected the system that favoured the elite and big corporations. What we have not discussed in today’s Special report is the most controversial TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership) secretly negotiated between the US and EU and which Trump had rejected during his campaign.

Times are changing but aren’t they always. The political developments indicate a sort of transition that does not favour the common people, the immigrants, the disenfranchised, in the short term. The economic developments are more mixed. One hopes that with time, there is a push for a just and equitable world order.

Read also: Times that are changing
