When purpose and love become the philosopher’s stone

January 19, 2025

When purpose and love become the philosopher’s stone

An alchemist is someone who practices the art of transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. Alchemy has fascinated me since childhood, thanks to Paulo Coelho’s book The Alchemist. Coelho was quite the sensation back then — not in the way JK Rowling was for the ‘cool kids’ of my generation.

Readers of The Alchemist didn’t swap tales of magic wands or dream of flying on broomsticks. It wasn’t ‘cool’ in the teenage sense, where everything revolves around fitting in. There were no houses like Gryffindor or Slytherin to identify with, no secret spells to mutter under your breath in hopes of being a wizard among muggles. And let’s face it — asking someone at 13 if they’ve found the purpose of their life would’ve been met with bewildered silence or laughter, because such questions seemed reserved for those with gray hair.

Still, The Alchemist shaped my thinking a great deal. I’ll admit I didn’t grasp its full meaning the first time I read it. How could someone in their adolescence dive into philosophical musings with any depth? Back then, it was beyond me. Now, the concepts introduced in that book hold much greater weight. They’ve nudged me towards my own journey of transformation — not in the literal sense of alchemy, but in striving to turn my ordinary life into something extraordinary.

The answers to creating an extraordinary life lie in the most obvious places, though they often take years of soul-searching to uncover. Or, more accurately, to appreciate. For me, it boils down to two essentials: discovering an inner purpose that provides lifelong direction and finding a love that nurtures your inner child. Obvious, right? Maybe. These truths seem simple, even clichéd, when you read them in childhood. But philosophy often takes the simplest realities and reveals their complexity through experience and struggle.

Finding your life’s purpose isn’t easy. Neither is finding a love that brings peace to your inner child. These things take time, effort and will to enable you to face sides of yourself you might rather avoid. 

Finding your purpose isn’t easy. Neither is finding a love that brings peace to your inner child. These things take time, effort and will to enable you to face sides of yourself you might rather avoid.

I’ve come to believe that when you truly find your inner voice, only then can you recognise a love that nourishes your heart and soul. This love feels like spring — it blooms within you, nourishes you and gives you the magic you need to pursue your purpose. And when your purpose aligns with a love that soothes your inner child, a profound alchemy begins.

It’s the merging of two sacred forces: the fire driving you towards your destiny and the gentle balm healing your past wounds. This love isn’t just companionship; it’s a reflection of your true self, a safe haven where your inner child feels seen, protected and free to dream.

Together, purpose and love become the philosopher’s stone, transforming life’s trials into fulfillment. This alchemy is a dance of creation and restoration, where your work is enriched by love and love fuels your pursuit of meaning.

In this harmony lies the ultimate magic: the power to become the whole. As The Alchemist would teach you, when you truly desire something, the universe conspires to help you achieve it.

Shaafay Zia is an ex-serviceman and a freelancer. He can be reached at shaafayzia@gmail.com

When purpose and love become the philosopher’s stone