Business strategy: Asim Jofa makes case study at Rome university

November 26, 2023

Business strategy: Asim Jofa makes case study at Rome university


ou may or may not be a fan of Asim Jofa’s product or marketing - lots of snark was made at the billboards the brand erected every summer in the 2010s – but the label is clearly doing good, since it has managed to stay in business so long.

This can probably be attributed in part to Asim Jofa’s business acumen, which helped him recognize a potential revenue stream in producing personal protective equipment as Covid hit the world in a breathtaking wave around March 2020. That season’s lawn prints may not have been top of mind for most of his regular consumers, but the world did need protective gear, and it takes someone sharp to leap at the first mover’s advantage.

This move was made into a case study for a business class at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome, Italy, recently. Jofa himself addressed the session, walking students through his crisis management strategy.

Business strategy: Asim Jofa makes case study at Rome university