The compelling story of how America won a gold medal in the 2008 U.S. Olympic Men's Basketball in Beijing after consistently losing in disastrous...
Reliving the glory days of Michael Jordan and one of the most iconic basketball teams to emerge from the NBA that won six championships, The Last...
Matt Damon shines in Air, a film that recounts the story of how Nike rose as a brand while Ben Affleck demonstrates that he is a better director...
Taking a meta stab at history with Scream 6
She’s still all that in A Tourist’s Guide To Love
Did I miss the point, or is Phenomena just the non-scariest movie of them all?
Confusingly bland and riddled with plot holes, 65 doesn’t give its talented lead much to work with
It’s definitely not a cinematic masterpiece, but Murder Mystery 2 delivers enough silly chuckles to be worth a watch.
The fourth film in the very entertaining John Wick series delivers lots more action and even some affecting consequences.
The very unexceptional Shazam sequel doesn’t make the most of its plot’s underlying whimsy but still remains watchable.