
US Mail

By US Desk
17 January, 2025

Many of my students have begun relying on AI to complete their assignments, which is a serious concern for our education system....

US Mail


Dear Ed,

I am a regular reader of Us. I loved the issue of 27 December 2024, but I felt sad and disappointed to note that my ‘greeting’ was not given space in the ‘Greetings’ section of the magazine. I had even asked my friends to check out the ‘greeting’ I had sent for them, and I felt really embarrassed when I didn’t see mine. Please publish it.

Amna Khan, Lahore

Hey Amna, we didn’t get one from you, or we would have published it.

AI misuse by students

Dear Editor,

Many of my students have begun relying on AI to complete their assignments, which is a serious concern for our education system, which is ill-equipped to handle such challenges. As AI continues to assist students in completing their work, many will likely stop putting in the effort, which could lead to a culture where academic integrity is compromised, and students no longer feel the need to engage in critical thinking or hard work.

I believe it is crucial for all higher education institutions to implement software that can detect AI-generated content in student assignments. Such tools would act as a deterrent, discouraging students from relying on AI to bypass the learning process. The use of AI in academic work should be monitored, and measures should be taken to ensure that students are producing original work that reflects their own understanding and abilities. Additionally, teachers should be more observant and proactive in recognizing AI-generated work In many instances, teachers appear to be indifferent, perhaps because AI-generated assignments mean less grading work for them.

This growing trend is a grave threat to the integrity of our educational system and the future of our students. If this practice continues unchecked, it will undermine the value of degrees and qualifications, as well as the hard-earned knowledge that students should be gaining. There needs to be greater awareness and decisive action taken by educational authorities to address this issue. It is essential that steps are taken to ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically, and that the emphasis remains on genuine learning and academic growth. Without intervention, this could have long-lasting consequences on the quality of education and the development of critical skills in future generations.

A concerned teacher, Karachi


Lubna Khalid


Sameen Amer

Us Magazine, 5th Floor, Al Rahman Building, I.I.Chundrigar Road, Karachi, Pakistan.

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