Dear Editor,
I love reading poetry, so I have a keen interest in the ‘Poet’s Corner’ of Us magazine. Poems of Zahra Batool, Abdullah Tahir, Urwa Mushtaq, and Amna Ameer are my favorite. However, I have not read any new poems by the poets I mentioned above except for Amna Ameer in a long time. I hope they have not stopped writing poetry, and are only caught up with personal stuff and will start writing again.
Aleya Ali, Rawalpindi
Dear Ed,
I am an avid reader of Us magazine. My reason for writing is that I would like to suggest a few improvements that will make Us more attractive to its readership. First and foremost, for all those who like to read Us in its print version, you should revamp the magazine’s appearance. Its size is very small and although the content is always interesting many readers don’t read it because of how it appears.
The pages should be glossy and there should be pin-up or centrespread of a famous sportsperson or celebrity. Since Us is a magazine for the youth, there should be a career counseling column at least twice a month. To inspire young people to write, please re-start story writing and poetry writing competitions.
I hope you will take my suggestions into account.
Alina Shakeel, Lahore
Hello Editor,
I loved the cover story Books 2024 – and that’s a wrap published in this week’s (6 December) edition of Us. The one problem was that it was too short! I understand you may have space constraints but books are important and you could have given this story at least two more pages. Ed, in the issue of November 29, I read Med school chronicles by Maira Moten, and was reminded of my own time at my own university. It seems things don’t change where med schools are concerned, which is reassuring in a way. I think you should also do a write-up on how MDCAT papers leaked in Sindh. It is very disturbing for students who work hard and have to take exams again because of this incident. The Sindh government should ensure that such things don’t happen and transparency in the admission process is maintained.
Sajjad Ahmed, Karachi
Lubna Khalid
Sameen Amer
Us Magazine, 5th Floor, Al Rahman Building, I.I.Chundrrigar Road, Karachi, Pakistan.
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Word count for one page is 550-650; for two pages, 1000-1100; for three pages, 1500-1800