New industrial zone demanded in capital

October 07, 2022

Islamabad : A delegation of Islamabad Industrial Association (IIA) led by its President Zikria A. Zia visited Islamabad Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ICCI) and stressed that ICCI should step up its efforts with the relevant government authorities for a new industrial zone in the Capital to boost industrialisation and exports. The delegation also congratulated the new office bearers of ICCI and hoped that they would play an effective role in resolving the key issues of local industry, says a press release.


Addressing the deleg­ation, Ahsan Zafar Bakhta­wari, president, ICCI said that Islamabad was experiencing rapid urbanisation and population growth, but unemployed young talent was being wasted due to lack of jobs. He said that industrialisation was the best option to absorb youth in jobs. He said that many investors were keen to set up industries in the Islamabad region but due to absence of a new industrial zone, they were unable to make new investments. He emphasized that the government should cooperate with ICCI in early materialization of this important project that would yield multiple benefits for the economy. He assured the delegation that ICCI would make all possible efforts to address their highlighted issues.
