Aristocracy of waste

October 06, 2022

Our politicians don’t seem to realize that they are all chips off the same old block. None of them is truly better than the others. All are tainted by scams, scandals, and shady practices. When Imran Khan was in power, the opposition kept crying about inflation and heavily criticized his huge cabinet. Interestingly, after coming to power, the all-knowing Shehbaz Sharif has not only failed to curb inflation or revive the dwindling economy, but has also expanded his cabinet to a level never seen before. Despite having such an enormous entourage at their disposal, the government is still unable to perform on any front. It is shameful that a country that is literally begging its way through multiple crises is led by people who are not even attempting to conceal their profligacy. Just like his predecessor, it appears that the sole purpose of the Shehbaz’s cabinet members is to defend the directionless policies of his government, rather than doing something for the betterment of the people.


Raja Shafaatullah

