President pays tribute to troops martyred in terrorists’ firing

September 15, 2022

ISLAMABAD: President Dr Arif Alvi on Wednesday paid tribute to the army soldiers for embracing martyrdom while thwarting the attack of terrorists from inside Afghanistan across the border.


The president severely condemned the incident and extended condolences to the families of the martyred. He prayed for the departed souls of martyrs to rest in peace and for grant of patience to their families. The Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) in a news release said the terrorists from inside Afghanistan across the international border, opened fire on Pakistani troops in general area Kharlachi of Kurram district.

The Pakistan Army troops responded in a befitting manner and as per credible intelligence reports, due to fire of own troops, the terrorists suffered heavy casualties. “Pakistan strongly condemns the use of Afghan soil by terrorists for activities against Pakistan and expects that Afghan government will not allow conduct of such activities in future,” the ISPR said. “Pakistan Army is determined to defend Pakistan’s borders against the menace of terrorism and such sacrifices of our brave soldiers further strengthen our resolve,” it said.
