Prince Harry’s memoir to ‘appease’ morbid curiosity by ‘hooking onto royal dirt’

Growing animosity towards the Firm causing panic among Prince Harry fans who ‘want dirt’ on royals

By Web Desk
August 28, 2022
Prince Harry’s memoir to ‘appease’ morbid curiosity by ‘hooking onto royal dirt’

Experts warn, should Prince Harry’s memoir reveal the Royal Family’s dirty laundry, it will become a ‘huge hit’.

This warning has been issued by professor and branding marketing expert Cele Otnes.


According to Express UK, she addressed the ‘celebrity’ nature surrounding Prince Harry’s memoir and spoke of its growing fanbase that ‘only strengthened’ after “leaving the norms of royalty behind and seeking his own path.”

She was also quoted saying, “I am pretty sure it will sell well because of the appeal it will have to Royal Rubberneckers, who won't be able to resist seeing what, if any, dirt he has spilled.”

Ms Otnes later described the rumoured ‘dirt’ that is contained within the unreleased memoir and questioned whether Prince Harry’s life account “will be restrained” and “relieving” to the royals, or an “act of rebellion.”

With respect to the latter, Ms Otnes fears it will involve “revealing more about the members of the Royal brand than they believe should occur” and this in turn could “subsequently damage them.”

After all “They are working royals who, no doubt, share the belief that there is the need to retain some mystique about the Royal Family, as well as to protect their own privacy, and that of their family.”

“I doubt very strongly that Prince William would be motivated to write memoirs because his brother, who is no longer a working royal, has done so.”
