Meghan Markle ‘needs’ Prince Harry’s memoir to rid ‘bitter and angry’ media image

Meghan Markle is under fire for ‘needing’ Prince Harry’s memoir for ‘phoenix rebirth’

By Web Desk
August 26, 2022
Meghan Markle ‘needs’ Prince Harry’s memoir to rid ‘bitter and angry’ media image

Meghan Markle has reportedly been ‘counting’ on the drop of her memoir to shed her image as a bitter and angry woman.

This revelation has been made by The Daily Beast's royal correspondent Tom Sykes, Royally Us podcast.


“It is the opportunity for them to turn the page on the kind of, looking bitter and angry [image] in the Oprah interview.”

“I do feel like ultimately, and it was received differently in the UK over here, to how it was in America, but I do feel that ultimately they didn't come out brilliantly.”

“They didn't land the killer punch on the royals. The stories were, kind of, conflicting about who said what [and] when they said it.

“Oprah, I felt, didn't interrogate it fully enough. So, I felt that overall, they didn't come out brilliantly.”

“I think that people had very little sympathy for Harry pleading poverty. I thought that was a really really odd thing for him to do.”
