Fixing healthcare

June 29, 2022

Public-sector hospitals in Pakistan have become a dismal picture of neglect and bad governance. Most of these hospitals are understaffed. Overworked doctors get irritated when a patient’s attendant asks questions. Also, most hospitals are not well-equipped. Why can’t the government take steps to set up state-of-the-art hospitals across the country?


Healthcare is a basic right, and it is quite unfortunate that Pakistanis are deprived of this right. Over the years, the country has seen a significant increase in privately run hospitals. However, since these places provide expensive treatment, many people cannot go there. In the end, the government is responsible for fulfilling the basic needs of the people. It should improve the working of the existing hospitals and set up new ones so that critically ill people do not have to run from pillar to post to get affordable treatment.

Rafia Zahid

