Donald Trump Jr weighs in on 'the most telling part of' Amber Heard trial

Donald Trump Jr.'s 'problematic' tweet has sparked a massive backlash

By Web Desk
May 31, 2022
Donald Trump Jr weighs in on 'the most telling part of' Amber Heard trial

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp's bombshell lawsuit have garnered a reaction from Donald Trump Jr. - son of former US President Donald Trump.

Taking to Twitter, Donald called the Aquaman actor 'Amber Turd' in reference to the social media tags.


"Maybe the most telling part of the Amber Turd trial is that not a single man seems to have come out in her defence saying she’s great," he wrote.

The tweet sparked a massive backlash on the micro-blogging site as netizens clapped back at Donald's 'problematic' thoughts.

"Right, because a woman's word and the mountain of evidence she's provided is worth nothing unless a man gives her credibility? Her ex-wife has nothing but good things to say about her. But I guess it doesn't count since she's not a man," one user slammed.

Another user wrote, "NO woman should seek or require the approval of ANY man. Women are great without men saying so.

A third tweet read, "Just like no woman came out & defended your dad. They’re both horrible."
