Expelled PTI member to challenge removal from party in court

Ousted PTI member claims "never before in 74 years was such a con witnessed"; overseas Pakistanis "were used like ATMs"

By Web Desk
January 23, 2022
PTI's former secretary of information Ahmad Jawad. — Twitter/AhmadJawadBTH

PTI's former secretary of information, Ahmad Jawad, who has been expelled from the party for "violating" its constitution and for "slandering" senior party leadership, on Sunday announced he will challenge the party's decision in court.

Speaking to Geo News, Jawad said that he had been removed "illegally".


He said that PTI members as well as voters, "have seen the true face of Imran Khan".

The ousted PTI member claimed that "never before in 74 years was such a con witnessed", adding that overseas Pakistanis "were used like ATMs".

PTI's disciplinary committee announces expulsion

According to a statement issued by the PTI’s Standing Committee on Accountability and Discipline (SCAD), a show-cause was served to Ahmad on January 12 asking him to explain his position within seven days of the receipt of the notice. The statement said that the disgruntled leader did not respond to the notice.

After receiving the second show-cause notice, Jawad sent a reply, which was received by the SCAD on January 21; however, he did not explain his position, rather admitted that he had posted more than 40 tweets while SCAD took notice of only two of his tweets.

“The Sub Committee of the SCAD observed that there were different forums in the party for Jawad to express his feelings/narrative before the party while he used social, electronic media to get his objective [to] malign/slander the party senior leadership, causing severe damage to the party,” the statement read.

The sub-committee after analysing the facts of the case and reading Jawad's reply found him "committing a severe violation of the party constitution". Hence, it "unanimously decided to strike down the party membership of Ahmad Jawad from the party membership register”.

Jawad reacts strongly to notice

Responding to the decision, Jawad wrote on Twitter: “A piece of paper which does not value more than a piece of s**t."

"A house of garbage which started as an ideology of change. A deception which wasted two decades of this nation. You can walk on [the] toughest path with open eyes, but you will fall on a flat path with closed eyes," he added.

In a separate tweet, the former party member said that there has hardly been so much chaos within the party as witnessed in the aftermath of the 30 questions that were raised by him.

He further said that he will reveal the reasons why he stayed quiet for so long on the "fascism and incompetence of PTI" on Sunday (today), asking followers to "stay tuned".

In a series of tweets on January 21, Jawad criticised the policies of the ruling party.

“How did your illegal Bani Gala house and Constitution Avenue flat become legal? Can't the houses of the poor be regularised like Constitution Avenue regularised?” he asked, among dozens of other questions.
