Plastic panic

December 10, 2021

This is to draw the attention of the authorities to the problem of increasing plastic waste, which is hazardous to the environment. These days, plastic is used in everything and everywhere. Since it takes a long time to decompose, it contributes to ground pollution and water pollution. Unfortunately, people have become increasingly reliant on plastic. Economic growth and changing consumption and production patterns have contributed to an increase in waste plastics across the globe. Pakistan too is drowning in plastic waste. In August 2019, the government banned single-use plastic in Islamabad, but one believes that this ban should be implemented all over Pakistan. The government should also pay attention to waste management and use techno-economic conversion technologies for recycling of polymeric and single-use plastics and convert them into useful products. This not only helps keep the environment clean but also boosts the economy of the country.


Zeeshan ul Islam

