A big mess

December 07, 2021

The political rhetoric promising change during the 2018 electoral campaign was immensely alluring, but now people are overwhelmed by the tsunami of ‘change’ and seem to be paying through the nose for giving the PTI a chance to govern the country. The anti-corruption narrative built against the previous regimes was convincing but no tangible effort to punish any culprit has been witnessed so far. Instead, the current economic policies have made the life of the poor a living nightmare. The government’s policies have led to inflation and unemployment. To make matters worse, there is constant bickering in parliament. Every individual has the right to question the decisions of the state that affect him/her. Had the incumbent regime managed to sustain the economic growth at 5.8 percent when it took over from the PML-N regime in 2018, the country would have seen economic growth and prosperity. However, now our economy is in a lurch and one can see no way out.


Sajjad Khattak

