Smell of rot

November 30, 2021

This is to draw the attention of the authorities concerned towards the serious problem of garbage in Karachi, which is the economic hub of Pakistan. Residents are frustrated about huge heaps of garbage everywhere. Even in our locality – Landhi – the appointed garbage collector is never on time. People have started dumping their trash in a corner, which has become a mess. Moreover, a majority of the city’s streets are flooded with sewage water and trash. This not only pollutes the environment, but also smells unbearable. Apart from making the city ugly and discouraging tourism, such environments are also unhealthy to live in. Typhoid fever, diarrhoea, food poisoning, dengue, malaria and other health problems all fester in such places.


The relevant authorities need find better ways to dispose of waste. If not, we will fail ourselves and the environment. ‘Reduce, reuse and recycle’ are the most common methods to reduce waste. Reducing solid waste also means reducing the amount of trash that goes into landfills.

Syed Abdul Hadi Ali

