Discriminated against

October 28, 2021

The G-7's Financial Action Task Forum was meant to monitor the transfer of money to banned outfits. The president of the FATF, during the last session, acknowledged Pakistan’s efforts to curb terrorism inside the country and assisting in such efforts across the borders. However, Pakistan has still been placed on the grey list till at least April 2022. From the way things have been in the international arena, it seems that Pakistan is being discriminated against. Against the backdrop of the US and Nato withdrawal from Afghanistan, Pakistan is under pressure by the IMF and the World Bank. Life goes on in Afghanistan – the Taliban are in control and have not stirred any troubles in Central and South Asia. Why then this discrimination?


It is high time that the FATF revisited its decision and, upholding the principles of equity, removed Pakistan from the grey list.

Fayaz ul Karim Memon

