Amal Clooney shares adorable update on her and George Clooney's twins

Amal revealed George has been teaching pranks to their twins

By Web Desk
October 05, 2021

Amal revealed George has been teaching pranks to their twins


Amal Clooney revealed husband George Clooney is teaching their twins pranks, during quarantine.

The lawyer revealed that the actor, 60, has been teaching their 4-year-old son, Alexander, and daughter, Ella, how to pull pranks on people while being at home due to the pandemic.

In conversation with Entertainment Tonight, Amal said, “He’s mainly teaching pranks for the time being. But we’ll see if it develops."

To this, George responded saying, "Well, I think those can really pay off over time.”

Earlier, George revealed he pulled a prank on Brad Pitt with a marijuana leaf-shaped sticker on Brad Pitt’s car, for which he got into trouble with the law.

He even revealed pranking Meryl Streep with CDs impersonating Pitt.

“I sent that thing of voices to her, the greatest actress of all time,” George explained. “I sent it from Brad with a card that said, ‘Dear Meryl, I hear you’re going to play the Iron Lady. This guy helped me with my accent in ‘Troy.'”
