Turn your weight around

Are you gaining weight this winter? Don’t worry as You! has the solution to your problem.

By Fatima Niazi
January 12, 2016


Are you gaining weight this winter? Don’t worry as You! has the solution to your problem...

Most of us diet our way towards a slimmer us while others exercise regularly to sweat off the weight. But no matter how hard we try, the waist seems to increase an inch or two every year during winter.

Unfortunately, winter weight gain isn’t an urban myth and according to research, most of us put on an average of four pounds. This contines to add up every year. But fret not guys, as this year you can turn your weight around by following a few simple tips. Read on to find out more about winter weight and how you can deal with it.


Why it happens?

What does the weather have to do with an increase in weight you ask? The answer is; everything. Here is why the cold weather increases weight:

The physiological aspects: The drop in temperature triggers a survival aspect, thus urging us to eat more. A research further confirmed this. In a study, 10 people were placed in a colder room, and another set of 10 in a room that was of a comfortable temperature. Both sets of people were fed the same meals at lunch. The study showed that the ones in the colder room ate more than the other set.

Melatonin decline: If hunger is on your mind it is probably because of the increase in Melatonin; the hormone triggered by darkness. This hormone acts on the appetite and makes one consume more.

No sun: Lack of sunlight can trigger a drop in the feel-good brain chemical serotonin, leading to depression and cravings.

Low levels of vitamin D: Your body needs sunlight to synthesise vitamin D, but in winter there are fewer daylight hours, people go outless and when they do they are wrapped up in gloves and scarves, so their skin has little exposure to light. Preliminary studies suggest the lack of vitamin D reduces fat breakdown and triggers fat storage. Hence, calories you consume are stored in adipose (fat) cells rather than being used for energy.

The closet cause: The cold weather helps us cover up our problem areas by dressing bulky. Hence, when others can’t those extra pounds, we also ignore them and continue eating. As the old adage goes, ‘out of sight, out of mind’.

Less activity: When its cold, we would rather curl up under a blanket than do anything else. Unfortunately, being less active makes one gain more and as the wintery days go by.

The ‘party’ factor: During the winter holidays, people tend to have more get-togethers/dinners. Therefore, everyone ends up devouring soft drinks, fatty foods and a lot of yummy calorie-filled desserts.

Goodbye fat!

Has your winter weight gain been bothering you? Follow these ten tips to shed unwanted pounds.

1. Exercise

Cold weather and shorter days make it harder to exercise. However, it is important for you to get yourself together and set a regular fitness schedule. This is the key to keep weight off in winter. Even a brisk walk can be revitalising.

2. Never go to a party hungry

Since parties mostly have fatty foods in the menu, it is sensible to eat beforehand. Eat a bunch of baby carrots, a big salad, or an apple to curb your desire for empty party-food calories. Always remember, the main reason you’re at a party is to see people and celebrate, not to eat high-calorie foods.

3. Damage control

If you overeat, make up for it by cutting your calories for the next few days and exercising extra. A 100 fewer calories per day is equivalent of 10 pounds per year.

4. Weigh yourself

A lot of people step on the scale after New Years and are mortified. But if you weigh yourself everyday, you will be able to rein in your eating habits before they get out of control.

5. Choose wisely

To control your weight, choose lower calorie meals made with whole ingredients such as lean meats, fruits and vegetables.

6. Go green

Eat root vegetables, such as parsnips, turnips, and cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kale. They’re filling and nutritious.

7. Don’t cut out carbs

When serotonin level of the body dips, cravings tend to start. To maintain your serotonin levels, eat carbs in the early evening. By 4 o’clock, give in to what your brain demands. Carefully time your carbohydrate attack, and eat carbs that are low in processed junk.

8. Write what you eat

When it’s cold, we want to eat more due to our survival mechanism. Combat this by using a food journal to keep a track of what is eaten. This will also help you plan a controlled meal in advance.

9. Stay warm

Wrap yourself warm when going out and keep your home well heated, to avoid an alternation in appetite. You can also keep warm by sipping on hot herbal tea throughout the day.

10. Get your vitamin D

Boost your vitamin D levels by eating more oily fish and getting 20 minutes of exposure to sunlight every day.
