Campuses reopen tomorrow

By Our Correspondent
September 15, 2021

LAHORE:All educational institutions, including schools, colleges and universities, will reopen across the province from September 16. It was decided in the Interprovincial Education Minister Conference (IEMC) presided over by Federal Education Minister Shafqat Mahmood, the other day. However, announcement vis-à-vis reopening of the education institutions was made on Tuesday. Punjab Schools Minister Murad Raas in a tweet said that all public and private schools of Punjab would reopen from September 16 (tomorrow) with staggered approach so only 50 per cent students will be allowed in schools on any given day. Similarly, public and private sector colleges, universities and degree awarding institutes would also reopen from tomorrow. However, School Education Department (SED) Punjab and HED Punjab have yet to issue their respective notifications vis-à-vis reopening of education institutions in the province.

