This week You! talks to Karachi-based hair stylist Ghania Syed regarding her passion for hair and the ongoing hair trends...

By Wallia Khairi
September 07, 2021


New year, new me’ might be old, but you know what isn’t? A hair change. Now that we’re solidly halfway through 2021, we’ve officially seen a few things in the hair-colour world. Specifically, the fleeting spring hair trends that went hard and faded even harder, and the hair-colour trends that are still burning bright and here to stay for the rest of the year. We’re talking gorgeous pastels, caramel blonde colours, monotone blacks and browns, and even some bold, contrasting shades. So, if you've been avoiding the hair salon and are finally ready to venture out and make some changes, we’ve got you covered.


We talked to one of the top stylists in the city, Ghania Syed, to get insight on everything hair.

Whether you’re scoping out the best haircuts or curious to see the most popular hair trends on the rise, you’ve come to the right place. Part of being a successful hairstylist means staying on top of the latest trends and Ghania is just the person you want to go to for all your hair problems. She is a certified hair and makeup stylist who has been running her own salon ‘Ghania Syed Hair and Makeup’ since 2016. Currently, Ghania is operating in Karachi with a branch in KDA Scheme. The salon also offers spa services apart from hair and makeup. This week You! talks to Ghania Syed regarding her passion for hair and the upcoming hair trends...

You! Have you done any professional courses in hair and makeup?

Ghania Syed: Yes, I did my first professional course at the age of 11, and the last one in the beginning of 2021. In between I have acquired many certifications locally and mostly internationally.

You! How did you start Ghania Syed Hair & Makeup?

GS: My mother is a cosmetologist, who began her career as a hair and makeup stylist three decades ago. She had brought me in the field with her. However, I began Ghania Syed Hair and Makeup officially in 2016 while doing my Bachelors, using my mother’s space, and a Facebook page.

You! What are the latest hair colour trends?

GS: Colour-melting is the most recent hair colouring trend which helps create a seamless gradient of one or multi colours.

You! What colours do you see coming back in trend this year?

GS: Caramels and olives.

You! Black hair will always be in fashion. Do you agree or disagree?

GS: Fashion is a personal choice. Someone, somewhere will always want it.

You! What hairstyles and haircuts would you suggest for the upcoming season?

GS: Winter is coming! Curly waves with a mix of traditional and contemporary braids are what one must try. As for cuts, if you want to go short then ‘solids’ like angled bob, short bob or layered could be a great option, whereas, for long hair, increased layers are the best option.

You! Would you ever recommend dyeing your hair with natural ingredients like henna, coffee, cocoa powder and so on?

GS: You could try it once or twice but it’s not something one can continue in the long run.

You! Can you dye your hair after you’ve applied henna previously?

GS: You can, but the result may not be as satisfying as you would want. A patch test will be required if you wish to go a few tones lighter

You! What are the common mistakes that girls make when dyeing hair themselves and what would you advise them?

GS: They begin application from their roots, over process the chemical, avoid sectioning and the list can go on. Please consult a stylist and ask them how it needs to be done. It is real chemicals and this game can be dangerous.

You! Tell us about a few hair care tips for 2021.

GS: Oil your hair once a week at least.

Don’t over shampoo.

Read up on ‘CGM’.

Avoid heat styling.

Invest in a professional deep conditioner and serum.

You! How often should you get a haircut?

GS: 3 months on the calendar.

You! What is the most effective way to reduce frizzy hair?

GS: Provide moisture to your hair length. It may be through deep conditioning, oiling, DIY home masks, or procedures like Keratin. P.S. drink a lot of water.

You! How to get rid of split ends?

GS: Regular haircuts will ensure you never get them.

You! How often should one wash their hair?

GS: I believe this depends upon person to person; each individual has a unique sebum excretion pattern along with a unique lifestyle. One should create a balanced hair care routine for themselves.

You! How can one stop hair fall?

GS: Get your vitamins checked. Get a hair trim/cut. Manage your stress. Identify the reason of the hair fall and in case it is unmanageable see a dermatologist.

You! Give us the best hair style tip for 2021.

GS: Invest in zero heat styling tools.

You! Girls with curly hair always struggle in maintaining their curls. What would you suggest them?

GS: Learn to accept and love your texture.

The ‘CGM’.

Avoid brushing your hair when dry.

Nourish, nourish & nourish.

You! Suggest a few after shower hair serums, sprays and anti-frizz hair creams to be applied before using any hot styling tools.

GS: Kerastase Blond Absolu Cicaplasme; Keune Instant Blowout Spray; Schwarzkopf OSIS Flatliner Serum; L’Oréal Professional Liss serum.

You! Hair always looks duller and darker during the winter. How can one liven it up without colouring it?

GS: Nourish it

You! What is the difference between regular Keratin and Brazilian Blowout?

GS: Keratin is the protein from which our hair is made; it’s a compound, which may be added to various products or applied exclusively, Keratin does not straighten the hair. Brazilian Blowout is a technology that emphasises on the application of the pure compound to close the hair cuticles and eliminate frizz.

You! People often confuse Keratin with Xtenso or Relaxing. How would you differentiate the two?

GS: Keratin does not straighten the hair, it will only add weight, provide shine and relax the hair up to 50 per cent for four to nine months, after which your hair will return to its natural texture.

Rebonding, Xtenso or Relaxing are all straightening procedures branded differently by companies. This procedure is created to break the bond of the hair and rebuild it as straight. Once the hair has gone through any of these, the processed hair shaft will not revert back to the natural texture.

You! What should one with her hair chemically straightened do, when the curly roots start growing back in?

GS: Wait it out, try not to get the same procedure done, Keratin may help you manage the hair better.

You! Tell us about some good hair masks and serums to keep one’s hair healthy and damage free.

GS: Herbelan by Dikson; Ogx Argan oil serum; Palmers coconut oil serum; Chi silk infusion.

You! What are your future plans?

GS: I plan to educate people about the technicalities involved in hair chemicals along with the techniques, within and outside my team. I wish to not just grow as a business but as a name, which will be associated with education and awareness in the industry.
