Reasons not to miss Star Wars: The Force Awakens

One of the most successful franchises of all times, Star Wars returns with Episode VII: The Force Awakens and is rewriting box office history with its stupendous success. What makes the current installment in the saga a must watch might be a mystery for those who haven’t been part of the Star Wars universe but fans know exactly what makes the Force special. Here are 5 reasons that should be enough to pull you towards this box office magnet. May the Force be with you!

By Omair Alavi
January 06, 2016

One of the most successful franchises of all times, Star Wars returns with Episode VII: The Force Awakens and is rewriting box office history with its stupendous success. What makes the current installment in the saga a must watch might be a mystery for those who haven’t been part of the Star Wars universe but fans know exactly what makes the Force special. Here are 5 reasons that should be enough to pull you towards this box office magnet. May the Force be with you!

J.J. Abrams in the director’s seat


No George Lucas? No problem. Star Wars’ return to cinemas marks the entry of J. J. Abrams, who has been at the helm of numerous super successful TV shows as well as Hollywood blockbusters including Star Trek, Star Trek into Darkness and Mission Impossible III. Doing a Star Wars movie was a dream come true for him, Abrams was reported as saying. Not only does he try to retain the feel of the original but he also collaborates with Lawrence Kasdan, the man who was the scriptwriter behind The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi to keep this episode as authentic as ever.

Han Solo returns with the original gang

Talking about characters, Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Chewbacca, Princess (now General) Leia (Carrie Fisher), C-3PO and R2-D2 all are back in this fourth installment of the original trilogy. Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) also makes an appearance but he doesn’t get a chance to show off his skills – yet. But it’s Han who easily has the best dialogues in the flick; he plays the no-nonsense guy with ease and confidence, just as he had done 31 years ago. With one-liners like ‘Escape now, Hug later’ and ‘that’s not how the Force works’, Han Solo is on top of his game. General Leia looks old whereas Chewbacca, the humanoid and the droid haven’t aged a bit (pun intended).

Millennium Falcon flies on this side of the millennium

In a galaxy, far, far away … there was a legendary warship named Millennium Falcon. Not only did it play an important role in the Resistance’s victories, it was at the center of action that took place in the original Star Wars trilogy. Most of the people who belong to the current generation haven’t had the chance to witness The Millennium Falcon since it didn’t make an appearance in the Star Wars universe after Episode VI (due to continuity issues in the story). In Star Wars: The Force Awakens, it serves as the escape vehicle for the fugitives who had earlier labeled it as somebody’s garbage. The sight of watching the ‘Falcon’ move in the air was nothing short of a dream come true for many, including the scribe who missed the original trilogy due to parental refusal.

New ‘kids’ on the block shine

Since the story takes place 30 years after the destruction of the second Death Star, lots of things change. A new hero is born and he is a she named Rey (played brilliantly by newcomer Daisy Ridley) who takes orders from no one, after she becomes a fugitive. Together with Finn (John Boyega), she escapes from the clutches of Kylo Ren (Adam Driver) and the Storm Troopers who are in search of their third companion, a droid named BB-8. With help from BB-8’s owner X-Wing pilot Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac), and guidance from those who have been there, done that, the new kids help the Resistance win despite most of the galaxy plotting against them.

John Williams is back!

The makers of Man of Steel changed the Superman theme for some reason but with 83-year old John Williams agreeing to return for Star Wars Episode VII, J. J. Abrams wisely chose not to mess up the theme that has more fans in the galaxy than all themes combined. The background score reminds you of the original trilogy and keeps you in the future as well as the past, something that isn’t easily done. The five-time Oscar winner is on top of his game and continues to gain popularity amongst the old and the new generation.
