Nasa launches baby squids to International Space Station

It’s hoped that the experiments will be able to help scientists understand the effects of spaceflight....

June 18, 2021


More than 100 baby squid and 5,000 microscopic animals are set to be launched to the International Space Station (ISS).


The creatures, along with other equipment for experiments, will head to the ISS aboard Space X’s Falcon 9 rocket.

It’s hoped that the experiments will be able to help scientists understand the effects of spaceflight.

The 128 baby bobtail squid will be used as part of research into the effects of spaceflight on beneficial interactions between microbes and animals.

The squid have an immune system which is similar to that of humans.

Nasa says the experiment could support the development of protective measures to preserve astronaut health during long space missions.

The squid will be frozen before their return to Earth.

It is hoped that this information can then be used to understand the stress factors affecting humans in space.

Art that reveals how technology frames reality

Are you open to ideas that are different than your own, or are you allergic to them? Perception designer Jiabao Li was looking to explore that question when she created this out-of-this-world helmet shown here. A device inside the helmet reshapes what you see and uses lenses - kind of like eyeglasses - to project augmented reality into your field of vision. She specifically programmed the device to respond to the color red, so whenever the wearer encounters that color, the area of red appears to grow bigger and expand. “It’s similar to social media’s amplification effect,” explains Li. “Like when you look at something that bothers you, you tend to stick with like-minded people and exchange messages and memes, and you become even more angry.” This is just one of the many machines she’s designed to explore how technology shapes the way we see the world and reinforces our biases, often without our awareness.

- Compiled by SG
